Friday, July 16, 2010

Questions anyone?

Do you have a question about the play? Post your questions in the comment section below, and I can help you!


  1. What are the different types of Literary elements?

  2. Excellent question! Literary elements are another name for literary devices or literary terms. They include such terms like imagery, simile, metaphor, personification, tone, irony, characterization, theme, setting, symbol, and I could go on and on.

    You can find lists of literary terms and devices by searching for "literary elements" in Google. Here is a site for example...

    Thank you for asking your question!

  3. Thanks so much, I was having a hard time trying to figure this out.

  4. what is the most important thing to know about this book.

  5. the most important thing about this book? hmmm... I want you all to learn from the mistakes of the past, so we don't repeat them.
