Friday, July 16, 2010

Quote 8

Who said it? Who is the speaker talking to? What is the significance to the play? Do you recognize any literary elements?

“Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!”


  1. John Proctor is talking to Danforth. He doesn't want to sign any papers saying he confessed because he wants to save his life, and his reputation. At the end John confessed.

  2. John Proctor is talking to Governor Danforth. John does not want to give Danforth his signed confession because he does not want his name posted on the church for everyone to see his sins. He knows God knows how black his sins are for lechery, but he does not want the village to look at him as a sinner for the witchcraft he did not commit. He knows all the people who were hung were completely innocent of witchcraft but he believes he deserves to die for his sin of lechery. So he tears the the confession and goes to hang so he does not ruin his name because the rest of the village knew he was never a witch.

  3. John Proctor says this to Danforth. It takes place in act 4. It is important because it shows what kind of man proctor is.

  4. John is talking to the Governor and it takes place in Act 4 when John refuses to hand over his signed confession of witchcraft. Though he did not commit of. He doesn't want the people to remember him by that. I agree with Travis's answer.

  5. John Proctor is speaking to Danforth. He does not want to confess. this takes place in act 4.

  6. John Proctor is talking to Danforth, who handed him a confession to sing, but John refuses to sign it because he is innocent of witch craft. He did cheat on his wife but he does not want the townspeople to think that he compacted with the devil. Anaphora is used in this quote.

  7. John Proctor is talking to Danford. Danforth is trying to get him to confess about him being a witch, but he's not.

    - Nicholas Anderson -

  8. John Proctor is talking to Danforth. After he said he would sign he would not let the paper be posted on the church with all the other proclaimed witches because it would ruin his name. The literary element would be "Alliteration"
    "Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang!" Because is repeated several times.

  9. Jesse^^ "because" is repeated, so i think it's the new word we learned too, right? :) Anaphora

  10. Yes, the element is anaphora. Why is that repetition so powerful in Proctor's speech?

  11. John Proctor was speaking to Danforth in this part, he doesn't want to confess at all, this happens in act 4.
