Friday, July 16, 2010

Quote 9

Who said it? Who is the speaker talking to? What is the significance to the play? Do you recognize any literary elements?

“My name is good in the village! I will not have it said my name is soiled! Goody Proctor is a gossiping liar!”


  1. In the play Abigail says this quote, and she is speaking to Mr. Parris. She is speaking of Goody Proctor lying about how she would act around John Proctor. That she only kicked her out because of her relationship with John Proctor.As if Abigail was another woman in his life even though she is under age.

  2. Great comment, Lupe! Anyone else have ideas?

    Abigail says that Elizabeth Proctor is a liar, but who is the real liar in the story? What literary element does this illustrate? Hint: Alanis Morissette wrote a famous song about it.

  3. Noo. Abigail is definetly the liar. The literary element that is used is Irony, becuase Abigail is trying to make her self look innocent, but she is actually the guilty one.

  4. Abigail is talking to Parris. Abigail won't let Elizabeth ruin her reputation in the village. So she lies to her Uncle Parris so he won't find out what really happened.

  5. The Speaker of this quotation is Abigail. Abigail Is speaking to her uncle Parris. This Happens In Act 1 in the Story. Parris Is then Questioning Abigail About what had happened between John Proctor and Her self.

  6. Abigail said this quote. she was talking to her uncle Paris. it incident happen when Betty was going crazy in Betty's room. She is trying to hide what she was lying about. It is personification because she says she dose not want her name to be dirty and a name can not be dirty. Another one is irony because Abigail is a lire and she called Elizabeth a lire when she can not lie.

  7. Abigail speaking to Mr.Parris. She does not like Elizabeth because she is Mr.Proctor's wife and she wants Mr.Proctor. She is saying this because she does not want her reputation ruined, and she does not want Mr.Parris to find out what happened in the woods. The irony is that Abigail is the gosiping lier, not Elizabeth.

  8. Abigail is speaking to Mr.Parris.She does not like Elizabeth because she is John's wife and she wants John to herself.She is telling Mr.Parris this because she doesnt want him to find out what happened in the woods and doesnt want her good reputation to be ruined.Abigail is actually the gossiping lier and not Elizabeth.!

  9. Abigail is the speaker and is talking to her Uncle, Mr. Parris. It happens in Act 1 of the play. What she was trying to do was hide her guilt. I do agree with the rest because of the fact that Abigail was all lies. Elizabeth was actually a good person and Abigail hated that she couldn't have John.

  10. Abigail is the speaker and she is talking to her uncle, Mr. Parris. This quote was stated in the first act of the play. Abigail is upset because she wants to be with john proctor instead of Elizabeth. Abigail is trying to hide her guilt by talking about Elizabeth but really she is the liar.

  11. abigail is talking to her uncle when she says this. she also does not like Mrs. proctor b/c she is married to Mr. proctor.

  12. Abigail is speaking to Mr. Parris. She is telling him that Goody Proctor is telling people in the village lies but she isn,t.

  13. Abigail says this quote when she is talking to Mr. Parris in Betty's room. Betty was acting sick and Mr. Parris thought Abigail and the other girls had done something in the woods to Betty. Abigail also did not like Elizabeth Proctor because Abigail likes John Proctor. The literary element in this quote is irony.

  14. That is Abigail Speaking to Mr.Parris in betty room she does not like Elizabeth because she was kicked out by her by the relationship she had with John Proctor. But in the quote she was lying.

  15. Abigail is speaking to Parris. She is telling him that Goody Proctor is lying to people aroound the village about her.???? I Think. The literary term is irony

    - Nicholas Anderson -

  16. Th is was sed by Abigail Williams , to her her " name" was good in her ville, and when he said he was liying she was trying to defend her "name", in the ville accuse of adultery .

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  17. Abigail williams said this. she was talking to reverend parris. abigail was talking about the fact that goody proctor was lying and soiling her name... all the while she was soiling her name all by herself. that is what we call irony.

  18. Abigail is speaking with Parris. Abigail does not want Elizabeth to ruin her good name in the village. So she lies to Parris so he will not know what was happening.
