Friday, July 16, 2010

Quote 12

Who said it? Who is the speaker talking to? What is the significance to the play? Do you recognize any literary elements?

“I must tell you, sir, I will be gone everyday now. I am amazed you do not see the weighty work we do.”


  1. Mary Warren is talking to John Proctor. She has to go because she is an official to the court working to find people guilty. Literary element is conflict.

  2. Mary Warren is talking to John Proctor. Mary goes to court to help the deputy and other judges to convict the people that are accused of using witchcraft or being a witch (by pretending to see spirits and freaking out.) The literary element in this quote is conflict.

  3. in act 2 marry warrens just getting to home from the court house. Shes talking to mr.proctor about working at the court house is causing conflict in the house. So mary warren ended up telling Mr.Proctor everything.

  4. Marry Warren is talking to Mr Proctor after just getting home from the court. A hyperbole is used because the work they do is not hard work. They are actually just faking. this has a great impact on the play because her and the other girls kill a lot of innocent people.

  5. This is Mary Warren talking to Proctor she has to go to court to be an offical. she helps the judges cnvict people of witch craft. this causes problems that eventally cause her to tell everything.

  6. Mary Warren is talking to John Proctor. Mary belives that with her help at court she is doing good for them, but this is not true for the whole affair with witch craft is a lie. And for literary element for John Proctor this becomes a conflict in his life but for Mary she is using a hyperbole for she know she is not really a help to anyone.

  7. In Act II, Mary Warren is speaking to John. She is heading to the court to help the jury with people who was accused of witchcraft. The literary term is conflict.

    - Nicholas Anderson -

  8. Mary Warren says it to John Procter It was on act 2 That she is going to the court every day and testifying to who did the witch craft.
    Irony alliteration personification

  9. marry warren is speaking to John Proctor and is telling him that she goes to court everyday to testify who is a witch

  10. Marry Warren is talking to John Protor. She is telling him about how she has to go to court alot and testifiy aginst innocent people.

    Adri Rios

  11. marry warren is speaking. in the quote she is talking to john proctor. at this point she is telling john that she has to go to court and testify against innocent people.
