Friday, July 16, 2010

Quote 11

Who said it? Who is the speaker talking to? What is the significance to the play? Do you recognize any literary elements?

“There is a faction that is sworn to drive me from my pulpit.”


  1. Parris is talking to Abigail. If Abigail is found guilty then Parris's reputation will be ruined. Literary element is empathy.

  2. {1}In This Quote Abigail Is The One being Talked to.
    {2}parris Is The One Talking To abigail.
    {3}Its significance to the play is that if she is prossicuted in court then parris reputation would be ruined around her town.
    {4}literaly element exzadration and hyperbole.

  3. Parris is speaking to Abigail. Parris' reputation will be ruined if Abigail is found guilty. The literary terms is empathy and exageration.

    - Nicholas Anderson -

  4. Parris is talking to abigail and if abigail is found guilty it will ruin Parris' reputation. Literary element is hyperbole.
